Flowers​ b​y J​ill, Inc.
Interior Plant Maintenance
Let Us Hel​p You "GROW"!
Interior Plant

Flowers by Jill has been servicing the plants in the St. Louis area since 1985. We have provided and cared for plants for all types of people and businesses, including hotels and many St. Louis hospitals. Ask about our references.
Please call us for more info
Please call us for more info
(314) 973-3764
(314) 973-3764

Int​erior Plant Maintenance and Installation
Int​erior Plant Maintenance and Installation
Our uniformed, certified employees will work with you to provide the best plants and care you have ever experienced. We pay attention to all the details. Go from "commonplace" to impressive and beautiful.
Contemporary Containers
Contemporary Containers
We have a wide selection of interior and exterior contemporary specialized containers and planters to accent all of our plant varieties. Learn more about our container and planter selection.

Interior Atrium
Service Maintenance Installation and Design
Interior Atrium
Service Maintenance Installation and Design
We specialize in atriums for both residential and commercial buildings. We do everything from design for new atriums, installation, weekly maintenance, to completely revamping an existing atrium.
Holiday Decorating and Plant Rental
Holiday Decorating and Plant Rental
We provide holiday decorating services for your home or business. Including tree decorating, wreaths and garlands, poinsettias, and storage. We also provide plant rentals for events. Call or text us today!

We are a small company with big ideas. Let us help you "GROW"!